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The GTA Cheat editorial team invites you to watch this video Cheat GTA San Andreas – Mission 26 – Reuniting the Families.

In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Mission 26, titled Reuniting the Families, is a high-stakes mission that involves rescuing your brother and reasserting control over your gang. This guide will walk you through the steps to successfully complete this mission and reunite the Grove Street Families.

Understanding Mission 26 – Reuniting the Families

Reuniting the Families is a mission given by Sweet, one of the main characters in GTA San Andreas. The objective is to crash a meeting of the Grove Street Families and rescue Sweet from an ambush set by the police and rival gangs.

Steps to Complete the Mission

  1. Meet Sweet: Start by meeting Sweet at the Johnson House to receive the mission details.
  2. Drive to the Motel: Head to the motel where the meeting is taking place. Be prepared for heavy resistance from the police and rival gang members.
  3. Fight Your Way In: Engage in a firefight with the police and rival gang members to clear your path into the motel.
  4. Rescue Sweet: Locate Sweet inside the motel and protect him from the attackers. Use cover and strategic positioning to take out enemies.
  5. Escape the Motel: Once you’ve rescued Sweet, fight your way out of the motel and escape the area.
  6. Drive to Safety: Drive Sweet and your other allies to a safe location to complete the mission.

Tips for Success

  • Bring Plenty of Ammo: Ensure you have enough ammunition and weapons to survive the intense firefight.
  • Use Cover: Utilize the environment for cover to protect yourself from enemy fire.
  • Stay Mobile: Keep moving to avoid getting surrounded by enemies.


Completing Mission 26 – Reuniting the Families in GTA San Andreas is a thrilling and challenging experience that requires strategy and combat skills. With the right approach, you’ll be able to rescue Sweet and complete the mission successfully.

Discover our selection of GTA Series Videos. Discover the solution to this mission by watching this video.

We hope you enjoyed this video about the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.