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The GTA Cheat editorial team invites you to watch this video GTA 4 – Mission #72 – Truck Hustle (1080p).

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GTA 4 presents another adrenaline-pumping and action-packed mission with Mission 72: Truck Hustle. This mission involves Niko Bellic working to retrieve a stolen truck filled with drugs, showcasing the game’s focus on strategy, pursuit, and combat in Liberty City.

Mission 72: Truck Hustle

In Mission 72: Truck Hustle, Niko Bellic is tasked by Phil Bell to retrieve a stolen truck filled with drugs. This mission emphasizes strategic planning, high-speed pursuit, and combat skills.

  • Starting the Mission: The mission begins with Niko receiving instructions from Phil Bell to retrieve a stolen truck. Players must drive to the location where the truck is being guarded by gang members.
  • Engaging the Enemies: Upon arrival, players must engage in a shootout with the gang members guarding the truck. This part of the mission highlights the importance of precision shooting and effective use of cover to eliminate the enemies.
  • Chasing the Truck: After dealing with the initial wave of enemies, the truck will start moving. Players must chase the truck on foot and jump onto it. This part of the mission requires quick reflexes and precise timing to successfully grab onto the truck.
  • Climbing the Truck: Once on the truck, players must climb to the cab while avoiding obstacles and enemy fire. This involves strategic movement and quick reflexes to navigate the top of the moving truck.
  • Taking Control of the Truck: Players must eliminate the driver and take control of the truck. This part of the mission emphasizes the importance of precision shooting and combat skills.
  • Delivering the Truck: After taking control of the truck, players must drive it to a designated location while avoiding enemy pursuit. This involves strategic driving and evasion tactics to ensure a safe delivery.
  • Completion: Successfully retrieving the truck and delivering it to the designated location completes the mission. This reinforces Niko’s role as a skilled operative and sets the stage for further tasks with Phil Bell.

Tips for Mastering Truck Hustle

  1. Precision Shooting: Focus on precision shooting to quickly eliminate enemy threats and take control of the truck.
  2. Quick Reflexes: Use quick reflexes to chase the truck on foot and grab onto it successfully.
  3. Strategic Movement: Navigate the top of the moving truck carefully to avoid obstacles and enemy fire.
  4. Evasion Tactics: Use strategic driving and evasion tactics to avoid enemy pursuit and ensure the safe delivery of the truck.

We hope you enjoyed this video about the game Grand Theft Auto IV.