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The GTA Cheat editorial team invites you to watch this video GTA 4 – Mission #17 – Final Destination (1080p).

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GTA 4 continues to deliver intense and engaging gameplay with Mission 17: Final Destination. This mission brings Niko Bellic into a high-stakes confrontation, emphasizing the importance of strategy, combat skills, and quick decision-making in Liberty City.

Mission 17: Final Destination

In Mission 17: Final Destination, Niko Bellic is tasked by Dimitri Rascalov to eliminate Lenny Petrovic, who is considered a threat. This mission involves a mix of driving, shooting, and strategic planning.

  • Starting the Mission: The mission begins with Niko meeting Dimitri and Mikhail Faustin at a warehouse. Dimitri explains that Lenny Petrovic needs to be taken out, and Niko is the one to do it.
  • Driving to the Location: Players must drive to the train station in Hove Beach where Lenny is located. This part of the mission allows players to navigate through the city and practice their driving skills.
  • Chase and Combat Mechanics: Upon arriving at the train station, Lenny will attempt to escape. Players must chase him through the train tracks and the surrounding area. This chase sequence emphasizes the importance of driving skills and quick reflexes.
  • Final Showdown: The chase culminates in a confrontation where Niko must eliminate Lenny. This part of the mission involves using firearms and cover mechanics to take down the target.
  • Completion: After eliminating Lenny, return to the warehouse to report to Dimitri and complete the mission. This sets the stage for further interactions and tasks from Dimitri and Faustin.

Tips for Mastering Final Destination

  1. Improve Driving Skills: Use this mission to practice high-speed driving and chasing mechanics to keep up with fleeing targets.
  2. Utilize Cover Effectively: During the final showdown, use cover to minimize damage and improve your chances of survival.
  3. Stay Focused: During the chase, stay close to Lenny and anticipate his movements to avoid losing him.

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